Welded Panel Fencing is Used for Airport Security

Panel fencing for airport security

Simferopol airport is the most important transport hub of the country, like other strategic facilities, it needs special protection. Guided by this very criterion, the management of Simferopol Airport has been finalizing the perimeter protection system for several years in a row. Fence options were considered as fencing options, but as a result, the most acceptable option turned out to be a panel fencing option - a welded panel fence, reinforced with Egoza razor wire, proposed by the Caiman Production Group.

Welded panel fencing is now used to protect the perimeter of administrative buildings and private areas. The advantage of welded panels is that they are quite strong, durable and at the same time breathable and viewable. In relation to the perimeter of runways, this is extremely important. In addition, a fence made of welded panels fits perfectly both into urban aesthetics and for suburban objects of various purposes, and the concertina wire barrier Egoza-Standard-500/5 TU U 28.7-21804553-001:2009 additionally protects the perimeter of the airport and does nothing spoils the appearance of the fence.